How to Protect Ends Of Natural Hair

How to Protect Ends Of Natural Hair
Image: Shutterstock

Natural hair needs lot’s of moisture to stay healthy, it is prone to dryness and due to its curls, the oils produce does not slide down the shaft easily as it would for people with straight hair and this can be a stumbling block for a naturalist who is trying to keep long hair or just a healthy natural hair, keeping a healthy hair without protecting your end is only waiting for breakage to happen.

It is best to prevent the ends of your hair from breaking right from the onset as retaining length is really impossible with a split end.

Split ends, fairy knots and tiny tangles are a sign of an unprotected end and sure they are some hair products that are able to temporarily seal moisture in and keep them from breaking, however, it is also important to limit the number of damages by caring and maintaining your ends.

How you protect your natural hair ends? The ends of your hair are the most fragile part of your hair and they are also the oldest part of your hair. They have been through many manipulations from combing and products use, here are ways to protect the ends of your hair.

How to Protect Ends Of Natural Hair

When it comes to damaging hair strands, nothing does a fast job better than improper care and the use of the wrong products. Natural hair tends to be more curly and textured which makes it require lots of moisture and is the most fragile part of your hair, they have been through the most combing, detangling, and manipulating you can imagine. Here are a few tips on how to protect your natural hair ends.

1. Always Use A Wide Tooth Comb

different hair brushes or combs
Image: Envato Elements

It is important to be extremely gentle when your style your hair or simply need to detangle it as it is strong and fragile at the same time, you can easily cause damages to your end using the wrong comb. Avoid constant brushing of your hair and when you need to, ensure to use a wide-tooth comb and not small tooth comb that could wear down your hair.

2. Be Gentle When Your Brush, Detangle Or Style Your Hair

Natural hair afro
Source: Afrohairstyles

You have to detangle often to keep the sheds out to prevent the mingling with the hair on your head and causing fairy knots and more tangles and it’s important to be gentle when you detangle, brush or style your hair to prevent manipulation and damages on your end. There is nothing as beautiful as a crown of healthy hair hence you need to be extremely careful when it comes to the kind of styling your go for, avoid hairstyling that is too harsh your ends.

3. Avoid Heat Tools

Try more heat-free techniques to enable you to avoid heat tools and rather you can go for heat-free hairstyles, heat can make the ends of natural hair dry and brittle, it could exaggerate the appearance of split ends and make it difficult for the hair to lie flat hence heat styling should be avoided.

4. Drink More Water

Just as plants needed water to grow so does your natural hair ends need lots of water to stay healthy, water is a key ingredient that contributes to healthy skin and hair, it supports vitamin and makes your hair grow faster. Drinking at least two liters of water a day will help strengthen your hair, increase growth, and limit the damages on your ends.

5. Apply Extra Moisture On The Ends

How to style short natural hair
Source: preevicvicki

Moisture is one of the most important parts of keeping natural hair healthy, most natural hair drink up moisture,and depending on the porosity of your hair, some hair requires just little amount of moisture and some need a thicker coating. Appling more moisture to the ends of your hair can keep them from breaking and be sure to seal that moisture in with an oil or heavy butter so that the ends can keep moisture locked in.

6. Protective Styling

Wearing a protective hairstyle is great for protecting your natural hair ends, it is quite suitable if you want to retain your hair length while transitioning and it also keeps the hair off your shoulder which prevents the rubbing of the ends of the hair on clothing.

7. Covering Your Hair At Night

How to Protect Ends Of Natural Hair

Wrap your head in a satin head cap while you sleep at night, this protects the ends of your hair from tangling and breakages. This also keeps you from rubbing against your pillow which can cause split ends, dryness and damages. You can also have your hair twisted or braided underneath the cap to further protect your ends.


The ends of your natural hair are just as important as the whole part of the skin and it is important to seal in texture at the ends to prevent breakage and protect your ends while growing your hair. Protective styling is also perfect when you are trying to maintain a healthy natural hair, it keeps your ends well tucked away and it can be really comfortable and cool for those with extremely long natural hair.

Read more on natural hair care tips:


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