Natural Appetite Suppressants are basically food, supplements, and other things you can do to stop you from getting hungry frequently and it’s interesting when you can curb your hunger to save you from overeating and gaining more weight.
However, you should consider getting hungry too often something to look at, Here’s 10 reasons why you’re always hungry and what to do about it.
It is always tempting to always reach for that food that is rich in carbohydrate or just about any junk, you can find and feeds your hunger fast but the best thing is to slow down and rather go for foods that will suppress your hunger and leave you fully satisfied.
Related read: 15 late night snack ideas for after 8 PM.
The body needs foods that are not easily digested, and not heavy either as will help you stay on track with your diet plan.
Heavy foods do not suppress your hunger though, instead, they only keep it at bay for a while leaving you bloated and will be back up after some time. You need foods that act as natural appetite suppressants to the body and in the process, help lose more weight.
When these meals we have listed below are induced as part of your healthy diet, they will not only act as natural appetite suppressants but also help you maintain a healthy eating lifestyle.
What is an all-natural appetite suppressant?
Natural appetite suppressant involves adding more protein, and fiber to your meal, natural appetite suppressants act as main active compound to curb your hunger easily which includes natural herbs, plants, and foods, some of which are fenugreek, flaxseeds, nuts, grapefruit oil, and even mindful eating is also one of the natural ways to suppress your appetite, it allows you to take control of your hunger and the food on your plate.
High fiber foods also curb hunger and mostly get your foods from natural sources like olive oil, avocado, nuts, seeds, and other natural healthy fats and drinking lots of water is also an important part of all-natural appetite suppressant.
Are there any appetite suppressants that actually work?
Appetite suppressants do work in various ways, they are foods that might help to curb hunger without the use of drugs but the effect is usually not long-lasting.
There are some options of appetite suppressant that have been suggested by experts to actually work but these would probably not give you 100% result which means a person who starts with 200 pounds might actually lose 10 pounds with appetite suppressant drug.
You should also note that appetite suppressants don’t work on their own, you would need to make some healthy changes to your eating and exercise habit.
20 All-Natural Appetite Suppressants
You should know you can curb your appetite with something natural and even help lose weight in the process, hence some of these natural appetite suppressants listed below.
1. Almonds
Almond is essential for any kind of diet you have in mind, almond greatly lowers your cholesterol level and munching on almond after a meal will keep you filled but it’s not adding any fats to the body. Other benefits include controlling your sugar level, delivers massive amounts of nutrients, loaded with powerful antioxidants and before or after the meal of it have no harmful effect. See 8 more almonds health benefits you should know.
2. Nuts
Nuts are just like almonds although more preferred to almonds, it is more filling too and suppresses hunger for a very look time. Nuts are packed full of beneficial nutrients that not only help maintain a healthy diet but protects your body from diseases.
3. Water
Water fills you up more than any other thing you can try, water is not just a natural appetite suppressant but also one of the best methods used to maintain a healthy system and body, every part of your body needs water to thrive, taking water 45 minutes before and after a meal will fill you up perfectly. You should try taking 8 cups or more in a day as doctors suggested to get a more amazing result.
4. Soup
Soups especially the ones with vegetables and tomatoes in them are considered healthier and filling, it can be a clear soup or a heavy soup, it will be best to go for light and filled with broth to make it more nutritious.
5. Avocado
Avocado is said to be the only fruit that provides a heavy dose of monosaturated fats, offers protection against and many other health benefits that will not only keep you from overeating but also offers you maximum protection from diseases.
Also read: 23 Insane health benefits of eating Avocados
6. Salmon
Salmon goes easy on the stomach and whether you are having it grilled or boiled, still serves as a fantastic natural appetite suppressant. Good and gentle on your heart and also has some amazing health benefits too if consumed the right way.
7. Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is an excellent source of calcium, which can help improve your bone health. It also contains probiotics which supports a healthy balance of bacteria in your gut, all kinds of yogurt will keep you from feeling hungry and nourish your body but the best one to go for is the greek yogurt as it is believed to be more healthy.
Interesting read: 10 amazing health benefits of taking greek yogurt regularly
8. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is made from fermented apple and everyone knows how healthy and beneficial apple is to the body. It contains many health benefits, some of these benefits include, lowering your sugar level, curing sunburn and acne and helps burn fat and it’s all very natural.
9. Green Tea
You want a natural appetite suppressant that also burns your calories really fast and have you losing those belly fats in just days, green tea is a perfect choice. Trust by China for its magical ability on the human body and even adopted by many countries over the world.
You should read: 7 important health benefits of drinking green tea
10. Hot Sauce
Many are not fans of hot sauce but they might actually be what you need to keep your system from demanding more food, the hotter you can go, the more effective it is. The hot sauce helps with weight loss too and even believed to extend humans life.
11. Grapefruits
Grapefruits are very low in calories but yet high in nutrients and you will not be adding not needed fats while munching on them. Grapefruits are one of the best natural suppressants and you will be burning calories in the process.
12. Salad
Salads are healthier than you actually give them credit for, a natural source of fiber, eating salads will not only keep you feeling the sting of hunger but you will be building strong bones, improve your muscle performance and protecting your heart.
13. Oatmeal
Oatmeal will cause you to drink lots of water as it made with dry grains that dehydrates the body, that is a good thing as the more water you take, the more your appetite is sustained. Oatmeal is also very edible and packed full of antioxidants that nourish the body.
14. Tofu
If you do not have this added to your diet yet, we think you would after you find out how beneficial this can be to your body, a very good natural appetite suppressant. Tofu is known as bean curd, made by pressing soy milk into soft white soft blocks. Tofu is an excellent source of iron, gluten free and lowers bad cholesterol.
15. Fenugreek
Fenugreek works miraculously when it comes to slowing down your urge for foods, it is natural and has no record of harm whatsoever on the body, it slows down stomach emptying and delays the absorption of fat. A review shows that fenugreek has sugar and cholesterol-lowering properties.
16. Cottage Cheese
Cottage cheese is a fresh cheese curd product with a mild flavor. It is not aged. It is made not by pressing the cheese but by draining it, very healthy to the system though and you might find it more filling than those other aforementioned foods. Cottage cheese is an excellent source of calcium as well.
17. Beef And Chicken Breast
Beef and chicken can make you filled as well but advisable to go with little quantity of it, the consumption of these will boost your energy and keep you from getting hungry anytime soon. Lean chicken is more beneficial and preferred to keep a balanced diet.
18. Leafy, Green Vegetables
Green vegetable offers you a lot of benefits and if you want one of the best natural appetite suppressants then its vegetables, it’s healthy as well and very easy to make to suit your taste, some stock can be added to it to make it more palatable.
19. Eggs
Egss are a good source of protein and will keep your body fit and active, eggs should be taken for breakfast to help get the full benefits of it and it also helps to maintain a balanced diet. If you are exercising and you need the body to be fit and balanced then review suggests egg as breakfast.
20. Beans And Legumes
These are foods that are easily underrated but the truth they contribute a lot to your body and a plate or beans or legumes will keep you from getting hungry for a long period, you will only need lots of water to keep your body hydrated. These are proteinous foods that curb hunger irrespective of the quantity you consume.
Some of these natural appetite suppressants are not needed to be consumed in large quantity, a little will do just fine, water consumption should be increased. Some supplements can also be taken to suppress appetites but none should be in excess to avoid losing appetite completely.