7-Day Smoothie Weight Loss Diet Plan

smoothie weight loss diet pan

Is your busy life hindering your weight loss? You are not alone; this 7-day smoothie weight loss diet plan is for you.

Most people do not have time to prepare healthy meals at home, which is very important in streamlining healthy weight loss. Don’t worry. Smoothies could actually rescue you, and they are easy to make and full of nutrients that you may be missing from your unhealthy choices.

Before we go into the full details of this smoothie weight loss diet plan we have prepared for you in this post, let’s iron out a few things first. Refer to it to answer all your questions about using smoothies for weight loss.

7-day smoothie weight loss diet pan

What is a weight loss smoothie?

A smoothie is a beverage that you can make in your kitchen by combining ingredients that are good for your taste while being low in calories and rich in nutrients.

Smoothies have been around for ages.  They are your friend if you are looking forward to losing some pounds naturally. Are smoothies an excellent way to lose weight?

Yes, Smoothies work well for weight loss when they follow the following criteria:

  • Must contain low-calorie ingredients
  • Must serve as a meal replacement or help you avoid unhealthy snacking
  • Must contain an ingredient that helps you fill fuller for longer
  • Must contain ingredients that you enjoy so that you can adhere to your plan.

Proper meal planning with smoothies can lead to enhancing your digestive system and overall immune system. You should know which foods get well together and bring maximum benefits to your diet. You can also consider the Lasta meal planning app, which contains a myriad of healthy recipes to try while losing weight.

How will This 7-day smoothie weight loss diet plan help me lose weight?

Here are some reasons why smoothies are great when it comes to losing that stubborn weight:

1. Highly nutritious

Smoothies are packed with nutrients that are low in calories. These nutrients help reduce appetite and combat cravings, thus keeping you from sugary foods such as cakes and chocolate.

Even though,  remember that if you prepare a smoothie of high sugar ingredients, it will mess up your weight loss plan big time.

2. Smoothies are fun to have

Smoothies will mask bad taste such as that of kale or any other ingredient whose taste you hate. You are able to get nutrients easily from ingredients that you wouldn’t think of eating.

3. Easy to prepare

Eating healthy is almost unstainable in today’s busy world. However, smoothies are a quick fix.  With smoothies, you won’t need a stove and 30 minutes of chopping onions and tomatoes.

Rules of a smoothie diet

Smoothies can help you get rid of some inches off your waistline. However, you have to stick to some rules to ensure that they are not high in calories. Here are some basic rules of smoothie making:

1. Measure all the ingredients

Don’t just toss ingredients into your blender, have a measurement for each of them. You are likely to end up with a high-calorie drink if you don’t weigh the ingredients as recommended.

Again, add up the total calories so that you know how many you are consuming in a glass.

2. Include protein

7-day smoothie weight loss diet pan

Each smoothie should contain the correct amount of protein. Protein is vital in helping you build muscles. Flaxseeds and chia seeds are one of the best proteins you can add to your smoothies.

3. Get rid of all fats

Losing some weight calls you to get rid of dairy and sweetened yogurt.  Smoothies containing nuts and butter or ice cream will only add to your frustrations and are not even recommended when making diabetic-friendly smoothies.

Bananas and avocados are good smoothie thickeners. They are also tasty with natural low calories.

Your 7-day smoothie weight loss diet plan shopping list

1. Avocado

Avocado is the best weight loss smoothie thickener around that provides full creaminess. It contains healthy fats that are essential in keeping you full until your next smoothie or meal. Avocado also contains several vitamins and minerals that fresh pout toxins in the body that could be the main cause of your weight gain.

2. Berries

There are several types of berries. The blueberries and strawberries, for example, add flavor to your smoothie without adding any calories. Berries are rich in fiber that helps detoxify your body for a healthier you. Fibers also keep you full for longer.

7 day smoothie #weightloss plan

3. Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds are packed with protein and fiber to help you stay full. Flaxseeds contain high levels of calcium, omega 3 fatty acids, and antioxidants that are highly beneficial in improving your overall metabolism for fast and safe weight loss.

Flaxseeds also absorb toxins from the digestive tract.

4. Coconut water

Coconut water is among the best weight loss ingredients across the globe. Coconut water is full of fifty acids that will make your smoothies not only nutritious but also tasty.

5. Greek/unsweetened yogurt

Greek yogurt is high in protein as compared to other types of yogurts in the market today and are also great in meal replacement smoothies. This is to means that it can keep you full for much longer. Always stick with plain as most flavored varieties are full of unnatural sugar.

6. Leafy greens

Vegetables such as spinach, kale are full of phytonutrients and low calories. They are also rich in fiber for easy digestion and utmost detoxification.

7. Fruits

They are full of vitamins and minerals that make weight loss successful. Fruits are also packed with fiber to help get rid of toxins fast.

8. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a popular spice in several delicacies. It can also be used to regulate blood sugar hence improving metabolism. Improved metabolism results in a reduction of circulating blood sugar. Cinnamon melts the stubborn abdominal fat fast.

The 7-day smoothie weight loss diet plan recipes

   Breakfast  Lunch  Dinner
 Day 1 1 tablespoon  almond butter

1 cup of kales

½ cup of water

¼ cup of frozen berries

¼ cup pineapple slices

¼ cup non-fat  yogurt

 1 apple

1 orange

½ cup pineapple

3 kale leaves

Handful of mint

1 tablespoon cinnamon

1 cucumber

2 kale leaves

2 medium-sized  celery

1 peeled lemon

1 apple

 Day 2 ½ cup almond milk

2 celery stalks

1 cucumber

3 leaves kale

½ an apple

½ cup pineapple

½ cup of coconut water

½ cup berries

¼ avocado

4 tablespoon pure lemon juice

1 tablespoon flaxseeds

 1 cucumber

Handful of parsley

½ cup of water

2 tablespoons aloe vera juice

5 tablespoons of  lemon juice

 Day 3 3 green tea bags

1 cup of blueberries

½ cup fat–free yogurt

3 tablespoon flaxseeds

¼ cup of water

A handful of unsalted almonds.

 3 carrots

2 tomatoes

2 cucumbers

1 piece of ginger

1 tablespoon cinnamon

 1 cucumber

Handful spinach

1 banana

1 avocado

 Day 4  ½ piece medium-sized mango

1 cup of oats

½ cup non-fat yogurt

½ cup of water.

1 cup  blueberries

5 stalks spinach

2 apples

1 piece ginger

½ cup   unsweetened yogurt

1 apple

1 cup pineapple

Handful of mint

2 stalks celery

½ cup of water

 Day 5 2 oranges

1 cup of pineapples

3 tablespoons of lemon juice

Handful of mint

½ cup of water

1 sweet potato

1 cucumber

1 apple

½ cup natural yogurt

¼ cup of water

1 tablespoon cinnamon

1 banana

5 leaves spinach

1 cup almond milk

½ medium-sized avocado

 Day 6 2 tablespoons lemon juice

2 celery stalk

2 cups of coconut water

¼ cup pineapple

1 piece of small-sized ginger root.

 1 cucumber

2 celery stalk

½ green apple

¼ cup almond milk

1 cup pineapple

¼ cup of water

1 cup blueberries

¼ cup mango

1 avocado

2 tablespoon lemon juice

½ cup of coconut water

 Day 7  2 tablespoon lemon

1 cup blueberries

4 leaves spinach

1 tablespoon flax seeds

1 tablespoon cinnamon

1 cup of coconut water

2 carrots

1 orange

1 cucumber

5 kale leaves

2 apples

½ cup of water

½ cup almond milk

3 celery stalks

1/2 cup  pineapple

1 apple

1 cucumber

5 kale leaves

1 tablespoon cinnamon

Weight loss smoothie preparation instructions

For all the recipes above, place all the ingredients into your blender and blend for around 50 seconds until smooth. You can add or subtract ingredients depending on what you have at hand or prefer.

However, all the ingredients should be from the list above to attain your goal of losing weight in 7 days.

Always drink your smoothies right away or store the extra in a tight seal contain in a refrigerator and consume within the shortest time possible.

7-day smoothie weight loss diet plan printable
Image // 7-day smoothie weight loss diet plan printable // ThriveNaija.com


Want to try this amazing 7-day smoothie challenge? Here are some of your burning questions answered.

Can I drink 2 smoothies a day?

According to experts, the recommendation for the number of smoothies a day should be no more than one even if it contains 5 different fruits and veggies. Smoothies are considered healthy but it’s best to limit their intake.

What fruits are good for weight loss?

While some fruits are good for your overall health, they might not be good for weight loss as most are loaded with sugar. However, some of the fruits that are good for weight loss are berries, melon, kiwifruits, grape, apples, rhubarb, guava, and strawberries.

What happens if you drink smoothies every day?

Smoothies are considered healthy but they note they also contain lots of sugar and this reduces the nutrient density in smoothies. Consuming smoothies every day may increase your risk of chronic ailments like heart disease, diabetes, and liver disease.

When should I drink smoothies to lose weight?

You can actually have your smoothies at any time of the day. If you have a hard time getting started in the morning, smoothies can be prepared in advance to get you started. It can also be taken for sleep or relaxation, before and after a workout, and can also serve as lunch on the go.

Can a smoothie replace a meal?

Taking a smoothie as a meal can be considered a healthy option to eating some foods. But if you are replacing your meal with a smoothie then you want to ensure it is nutritious and contains a mix of food that will be similar to a meal.

Smoothies are a great way to kick-start your metabolism. We invested time to come up with the best 7-day smoothie weight loss plan to help you focus on looking good and feeling better.

Have you lost weight with this plan? We will love to hear your feedback or answer any questions you could be having. Talk to us in the comment section below.

  1. I just had a question about the 3 green tea bags and the sweet potato
    1. How are the tea bags supposed to be added to the smoothie?
    2. Are you supposed to soften up the sweet potatos or just chop them up and put them in raw?

  2. I’m confused by kales veres kale leaf? Also no more than 1 smoothie a day. Am I blending all meals all 7 days?

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