10 Workouts To Help Achieve Your Butt Goals

butt workout made easy

4. Burpees

Another very common form of workout apart from the squat is burpee, Burpee is a multitasker though which means not will you get a bigger and stronger butt but it also focuses on toning all the body muscle and burpee can be a little bit strenuous.

You will need a step by step guide on how to perform an easy and less straining burpee.

Burpee helps burn a lot of calories, very effective in a weight loss goal as well, it also helps build the cardiovascular output (5).

Getting a trainer to help you do burpee the right way might be advised or watch some videos.

5. Bridge

The bridge can help build your lower body strength and keep it that way for life, it is less strenuous and very effective in achieving your butt goal.

It’s a classic exerciser and you might have come across it a lot, however, you need the right posture and technique to avoid back and knee pain.

Bridge isolates and strengthens your glutenous (butt) muscles if you sit a lot (6).

The bridge is a nice way to build your butt and keep it that way for a very long time.

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