Itchy Scalp Causes, 10 Home Remedies And Shampoos

If you really want to know how to get rid of itchy scalp as well as dryness and flakiness, then this article is for you, just sit tight and read on.

Some of the main causes of the itchy scalp are scalp infections, eczema, dandruff, certain underlying health conditions, and frequent shampooing. Dry, itchy, flaky scalp very common during winters as the cool weather dries up the scalp and worsen the condition.

Normally, the scalp can moisturize itself through sebaceous gland which constantly produces oil. However, the various factors mentioned above may inhibit the production of oil which leads to dryness in the scalp.

Dry scalp is normally accompanied by itchiness, flakiness and frizzy hair. If this condition is left untreated, then the absence of moisture can weaken the hair follicle and increase hair fall/loss.

What Are The Causes Of Itchy Scalp

There are some various causes of itchy scalp that most people do not take note of. You should take note of some of these causes listed below in other to help prevent future occurrences.

1. Head Lice

Head lice is a severe hair condition that can easily irritate the scalp and cause serious itching to the scalp, hair lice can be transmitted by using public combs at your salon. This head louse releases some insect-like bacteria that moves around the hair sucking the hair nutrient and leaving it dry and itchy. This is a frustrating hair condition but this is how to get rid of hair lice How to Treat Head Lice Naturally.

2. Dandruff

hair care

Dandruff can be easily mistaken for head lice but, dandruff does not emit insect. It just leaves your scalp deprived of nutrient and moisture. Dandruff is mostly caused by not using enough oil on your hair, weather conditions can also cause dandruff and also plaiting your hair too tight can irritate the scalp and cause dandruff as well.

3. Your Hair Treatment

This might sound off the track and surprising but you should know there is a possibility that your hair treatment like your shampoo and conditioner contains some chemical ingredients that irritate the skin thereby leading to itching. Some sensitive scalp can also react to too much organic hair creams. So to avoid itchy scalp use more of natural hair products and oil.

4. Scabies

This is more worse than that of head lice and if detected, should be taken care of immediately. Scabies can be gotten from sharing hair instrument with someone infected already. It can lead to severe scalp itching, redness and also body itching.

5. Washing Your Hair Too Frequently

Might come as a surprise to know that you do not need to have your hair washed at all times. This is because frequent washing seeps out the moisture and ends up leaving it without any nutrient causing scalp inflammation and eventually itching.

6. Sunburn

Do you have a thin hairline or even medium? If yes, then you might want to cover your hair more often while in the sun or make sure it is well hydrated as too much exposure to the sun can lead to sunburn. Sunburn might not be easily noticed except for the itching.


7. Scalp Eczema

This is another skin condition that requires adequate attention. This might be caused by dry and too much organic hair wash. Scalp eczema usually occurs at the front of the scalp and eventually spreads out. Symptoms of scalp eczema come with series of serious itching.

8. Dirt And Sweat

You should consider simple hairstyles that do not inconvenience the scalp during hot weather, as this tends to sweat out the scalp and leaves it irritated, thereby causing itching. Wash your hair when dirty as this dirt can irritate it as well, but not to frequently to avoid washing the nutrient off.

9. Keeping Braids For Too Long

Braiding your hair for a long period of time deprives the texture of the hair of growing, this might be recommended if you plan to turn your hair into natural but if not then do not leave your hair braided for a long period of time or wash once in a while to retain moisture.

10. Dry Scalp

This is a common cause of itchy scalp. The scalp gets easily irritated especially when it lacks moisture. Basically, having a dry scalp can be related to washing too often or not rubbing enough oil into the hair texture and sometimes this is as a result of the hair soaking in too much moisture.

How Itchy Scalp Causes Hair Loss

Itchy scalp, when left for a long period of time, can lead to hair loss, It should be noted that these causes of itchy scalp mentioned above are hair conditions that attack the hair texture, seeping out the nutrient that the hair needs to grow on. Itchy scalp can also lead to the texture of the hair getting injured and that might lead to potential itchy scalp hair loss condition.

The texture of the hair does not require frequent caressing especially if your hair has an allergic reaction to frequent touching (some hair scalp has an allergic reaction to frequent touching or jumping from one hair stylist to another), this is because, your regular hair stylist would have known how to handle your hair properly due to your sensitive scalp.

Bottom line? An itchy scalp may cause hair loss. listed below are 10 Itchy scalp home remedies that actually work.

How to Get Rid of Itchy Scalp

The proper way of getting rid of dry, itchy scalp is to maintain the moisture in the scalp. This can be achieved by some natural home remedies and dietary modifications.

Discover these home remedies to get rid of the itchy scalp.

1. Lemon Juice

Maybe you haven’t known that lemon juice can be very effective in getting rid of dry scalp. It has both antiseptic and moisturizing properties which can help get rid of excessive dead cells in the scalp.

  • Squeeze a fresh lemon to extract the juice.
  • Apply the juice to your scalp and leave it for about 5 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with shampoo and water.

2. Tea Tree Oil For Itchy Scalp

tea tree oil

One thing you need to know about tea tree oil is that it contains antifungal properties which can get rid of the fungus causing dry scalp.

Additionally, it also soothes your scalp when added to conditioner or shampoo.

  • Add a few drops of tea tree oil into your conditioner or shampoo.
  • Use this mixture to wash your hair and scalp.
  • Use this remedy regularly for effectiveness.
  • Note: You can replace tea tree oil with other essential oils like argan oil, peppermint oil, jojoba oil, eucalyptus oil.  Apply the essential oil directly to your scalp without heating them. However, if your scalp is sensitive to the strong nature of essential oils, then dilute it in carrier oils.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is very effective in treating dry scalp due to their antibacterial properties which help combat bacteria causing scalp infections.

Also, it neutralizes the pH of the skin. With just one wash you will notice a significant decrease in flaking and itchiness of the scalp.

  • Mix a half cup of each of apple cider vinegar and water.
  • Rub this mixture on your scalp and massage for a few minutes, and then leave it for about 10 minutes.
  • Shampoo your hair (preferably the one that contains tea tree oil).

Note: If your scalp can tolerate the strong nature of raw apple cider vinegar then you can apply it directly on your scalp without diluting it.

4. Coconut Oil For Itchy Scalp

Coconut oil can be used to get rid of dandruff as well as dry and itchy scalp.

Applying coconut oil encourages the natural production of oil, enhances the circulation of hair follicle and scalp, supplies essential nutrients and locks the moisture content of the hair.

  • Using a cotton cloth, apply this oil thoroughly on the scalp and over the hair.
  • Gently massage your hair for a few minutes.
  • Leave the application for about 30 minutes and then rinse it off with water.
  • Repeat this home remedy 2 – 3 times a day.

5. Aloe Vera For Itchy Scalp

how to use aloe vera to get rid of dry scalp

Aloe vera can be used in the treatment of skin infections as well as relieve dryness of the scalp. It has cooling, moisturizing and cleansing properties which make it effective in treating dry scalp.

  • Extract aloe vera gel from a fresh aloe vera leaf.
  • Rub the aloe vera gel on the scalp and along the hair (Add essential oil, optional).
  • Leave it for about 20 minutes and rinse your hair with water.
  • Shampoo your hair and rinse it off again.
  • Repeat this procedure regularly.

Note: If you are susceptible to cold, then avoid this remedy as the cooling effect of aloe vera may spread to the entire body, not just the scalp.

6. Baking Soda For Itchy Scalp

You can get rid of the dry scalp with this common kitchen ingredient. It helps to exfoliate the dead skin and other impurities from the scalp. It is also effective in getting rid of dandruff caused by overactive fungi.

  • Make a paste by mixing 3 tablespoons of baking soda with water.
  • Apply the paste to your scalp and massage.
  • Leave it on for about 15 to 20 minutes and thereafter rinse it off with water.
  • Repeat this home remedy once or twice a week.

7. Onion Juice For Itchy Scalp

Maybe you have this common kitchen ingredient but you don’t know how to get rid of dry scalp. Onion juice has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties which provide quick relief from the dry, itchy and flaky scalp.

In addition, onion also nourishes the scalp by providing vitamins and minerals such as potassium, geranium, magnesium, and sulfur.

  • Extract onion juice by grinding 1 – 2 onions bulb.
  • Make a mixture of 3 tablespoons of onion juice and 1 – 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • Apply this mixture on the scalp and leave it for about 30 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with water very well.
  • Repeat this remedy regularly.

Onion juice also helps to grow the hair. Read that post to learn how to combine it with coconut oil for hair growth.

8. Witch Hazel

witch hazel to get rid of dry scalp
Image: Fettle Botanic Supply

Witch hazel is very effective in getting rid of the dry scalp caused by hair coloring product or blow-drying. It has a natural astringent property which helps in treating dry scalp by reducing inflammation.

  • Mix one part of the hazel oil with two parts of water.
  • Apply the solution thoroughly onto the scalp.
  • Massage gently for 5 – 10 minutes.
  • Rinse hair and scalp thoroughly.
  • Repeat the process once in 3 – 4 days.

9. Fenugreek

Fenugreek has antifungal properties ensuring that your scalp is properly cleaned. Not only does it treat dry scalp, but it also provides shine and volume to the hair.

  • Soak fenugreek seed in water overnight.
  • Grind the seed in the morning, making it similar to a paste.
  • Apply it on your scalp and massage for a few minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with shampoo and water.
  • Repeat this procedure regularly.

10. How to Use Ginger For Itchy Scalp

Ginger is one of the most popular spices on earth.

It has antifungal and antibacterial properties which can be helpful in treating dryness and hair fall. In addition, it also improves blood circulation to the scalp.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon each of grated ginger and sesame oil.
  • Apply this mixture on the scalp and massage for about 20 minutes.
  • Leave it for about 6 hours and rinse it off with water.

Repeat this process once a week until you see improvements.

11. Peppermint oil
This oil is known for its antifungal and antimicrobial properties. It can be used alone but is best when used alongside a carrier oil such as castor oil. It also has a soothing effect.
How to use:
Apply the oil over your scalp and leave for about thirty minutes to one hour. Wash off with shampoo and water.


What Are The Best Itchy Scalp Shampoo to Buy?

To prevent and totally avoid itchy scalp, you should use shampoos that are formulated with ingredients that moisturize and nourish your scalp. Most shampoos are the cause of itchy scalp as they might drain the hair of moisture and leave it dry. Here are 3 best shampoos from Amazon.

1. Wow Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo

WOW Apple Cider Vinegar ShampooCheck Price On Amazon

Wow Apple cider vinegar is rich in all the ingredients for protection which your hair needs to stay healthy. It is formulated with other ingredients like coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil, argan oil, almond oil, and vitamin E and B5, these are all-natural remedies to stop hair irritation, helps your hair maintain a glossy look and removes split ends and unwanted tangles.

2. Pure Tea Tree Oil Shampoo

Pure Tea Tree Oil ShampooCheck Price On Amazon

Pure tree tea oil gives your hair all the natural treatment it needs to get rid of dandruff, lice and other inflammation that causes itching and dryness, it serves as an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial shampoo for all dry and sensitive hair, perfect for maintaining hair health by normal hair too. Pure tea tree shampoo is free of sulfate and other chemicals that can irritate your scalp.

3. Amplixin Scalp Therapy Shampoo

Amplixin Scalp Therapy ShampooCheck Price On Amazon

This offers a remedy to hair infections, highly recommended for hair conditions like psoarsis and seborriheic dermatitis, it keeps moisture locked in and stimulate the scalp to slow down hair loss. It

is practically safe for all hair types. Amplixin is an anti-dandruff shampoo and also offers prevention against scalp irritation.

Hope these itchy scalp home remedies and itchy scalp shampoo helps. Discover more simple home remedies to solve your problems in our archive 🙂

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