11 Natural Hair Myths Explained, According to An Expert

Natural Hair Myths Explained

As someone who has navigated the world of natural hair for over a decade and authored numerous guides on the subject, I’ve encountered a wide range of beliefs and misconceptions about natural hair.

It’s fascinating how certain ideas take root, influencing how we perceive and care for our natural tresses. This article aims to clear the air, offering factual, easy-to-understand insights into some of the most common natural hair myths.

Through my years of experience, I’ve learned that natural hair, like any hair type, has its unique characteristics and needs. However, several myths have persisted, clouding our understanding and appreciation of natural hair’s true nature.

Whether it’s about hair growth, maintenance, or aesthetics, these myths can be limiting and sometimes damaging. That’s why it’s crucial to address them head-on.

11 Natural Hair Myths Explained

Here are some of the natural hair myths according to experts and the verdict.

Myth 1: Trimming Makes Hair Grow Faster

Trimming Makes Hair Grow Faster

A common belief in hair care circles is that regular trimming can speed up hair growth. This notion seems logical at first glance – if you often trim, your hair appears to grow faster. However, this is a misconception.

From a scientific standpoint, hair growth occurs at the roots, not the ends. Trimming primarily serves to remove split ends and prevent further damage, giving hair a healthier and fuller appearance.

In my decade of experience with natural hair, I’ve seen many cling to this myth, hoping for a quick fix to achieve longer hair.

While regular trims are vital for maintaining healthy hair, they do not directly influence the rate of hair growth. Understanding this can help set realistic expectations and encourage proper hair care practices.

Verdict: False

Myth 2: Natural Hair Doesn’t Grow

Natural Hair Doesn't Grow

Another widespread myth is that natural hair doesn’t grow or grow slower than other hair types. This belief often stems from a lack of understanding of hair textures and growth patterns. Natural hair, especially with tighter curls, tends to grow upwards or outwards, giving an impression of slower growth due to its shrinkage.

The truth is, that natural hair grows at a similar rate to other hair types, typically about half an inch per month. However, due to its texture, it’s more susceptible to breakage, which can hinder length retention. Proper care, hydration, and protective styles can help maintain hair health and showcase its actual growth.

Verdict: False

Myth 3: Natural Hair is Unprofessional

Natural Hair Doesn't Grow
Image: @naturally.akira // Instagram

Historically, natural hair has been viewed under a biased lens, often deemed unprofessional in workplace settings. This belief has roots in societal standards that favored straighter hair textures. However, there’s been a significant shift in this perception in recent years.

Today, we’re witnessing greater acceptance and appreciation of natural hair in professional environments. Laws like The CROWN Act in the United States, which prohibits discrimination based on hair texture, are monumental in this change.

As someone who’s navigated professional spaces with natural hair, I can attest to this positive shift. Embracing natural hair in the workplace reflects a broader move towards inclusivity and respect for diversity.

Verdict: False

Myth 4: Natural Hair is Difficult to Manage

Natural Hair is Difficult to Manage

It’s often said that natural hair is inherently difficult to manage. While it’s true that natural hair can have its challenges, such as susceptibility to dryness and breakage, this doesn’t make it unmanageable.

The key lies in understanding your hair’s specific needs and adopting a suitable care routine. Moisturizing regularly, using gentle detangling methods, and protecting your hair at night can transform your hair care experience.

Remember, every hair type has its unique demands, and natural hair is no different. With the right approach and products, managing natural hair can be a smooth and rewarding process.

Verdict: False

Myth 5: Natural Hair is Stronger

Natural Hair is Dirty
Image: @leazzway // Instagram

There’s a belief that natural hair, by its texture, is stronger than other hair types. In reality, natural hair’s unique structure, particularly its curl pattern, can make it more prone to breakage. The twists and turns of natural curls can create stress points where hair is more likely to break.

To maintain the health of your natural hair, it’s essential to keep it well-moisturized and handle it gently. Regular deep conditioning, using satin or silk pillowcases, and minimizing heat styling can help preserve its strength and vitality.

Verdict: False

Myth 6: Natural Hair is Less Versatile

Two Strand Twist With Feed In Braid
Image: Natural Hair Products

One of the most pervasive myths is that natural hair lacks versatility in styling. On the contrary, natural hair is incredibly versatile and can be styled in a myriad of ways. From twist-outs and Bantu knots to Afros and braids, the styling options are plentiful.

To showcase the versatility of your natural hair, experiment with different styles and techniques. Protective styles can be particularly beneficial, not only for their aesthetic appeal, but also for promoting hair growth and health.

Verdict: False

Myth 7: Natural Hair is Less Attractive

Natural Hair is less attractive
Image: @arielhairjhourney // Instagram

The notion that natural hair is less attractive is a byproduct of long-standing societal beauty standards that have often favored straighter hair textures. But beauty is diverse and subjective. Natural hair, with its unique textures and forms, possesses a distinct beauty that defies conventional norms.

Inspirational figures in the entertainment industry, sports, and even politics have showcased the attractiveness of natural hair, helping to shift public perception.

Natural hair’s attractiveness lies in its authenticity and versatility. Embracing your natural hair is a celebration of your individuality and heritage.

Verdict: False

Myth 8: Natural Hair is Dirty

Natural Hair is Stronger
Image: @leazzway // Instagram

This myth likely stems from a lack of understanding about natural hair care routines. Natural hair is not inherently dirty; like any hair type, it requires a suitable cleansing routine. The key is to find a balance that works for your hair—overwashing can strip natural oils, while infrequent washing may lead to product buildup.

Using sulfate-free shampoos, co-washing (conditioner washing), and regular scalp treatments can keep natural hair clean and healthy without stripping away essential moisture.

Verdict: False

Myth 9: Natural Hair is Expensive to Maintain

Natural Hair is Expensive to Maintain

Maintaining natural hair does not have to be expensive. While there are high-end products available, there are also numerous affordable and effective options. The cost largely depends on the choices you make—ingredients, brands, and the extent of your routine.

Simple, natural ingredients like coconut oil, shea butter, and aloe vera can be both effective and economical. Additionally, many natural hair care practices, such as protective styling, require minimal product use and can be done at home.

Verdict: False

Myth 10: Natural Hair is Time-Consuming

Natural Hair is Time-Consuming
Image: @alfiahjade // Instagram

It’s a common belief that natural hair demands a lot of time for maintenance. While certain styles and care routines can be time-intensive, this isn’t a rule. Time investment varies greatly depending on the individual’s hair type, length, and chosen styles.

Incorporating time-saving techniques, like protective styling, simple updos, or twist-outs that can last several days, can significantly reduce daily hair care time. Being strategic about your hair routine can make managing natural hair more time-efficient.

Verdict: It Depends


The key takeaway is clear: natural hair, with its unique qualities and needs, is not inherently problematic or less desirable. Instead, it’s a beautiful expression of our individuality and heritage.

Embracing natural hair is about understanding and catering to its specific needs, breaking free from outdated stereotypes, and celebrating its versatility and strength.

Whether you’re a seasoned naturalist or new to the natural hair community, remember that your hair is a crowning glory worth cherishing and flaunting with pride.

Let’s continue to learn, share, and grow in our natural hair journey, embracing every curl and coil along the way.


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